Selection of components as per user

Why do you need that?
A workaround is : select elem list, and then retrieve component list that store them.
Directly, I think we can hook a callback with event graphic_selection_changes
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Actually for this code I really want it as a component selection rather than element. That way the user knows the entire range of selection he/she is making. Like as much as possible I want to avoid the element selection as it would be not as appealing to the user.
And I'm sorry, I don't know much about graphic selection changes, haven't explored those options.
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please Try this:
variable list1
proc framework args \
*createmarkpanel comps 1 'Please select the components ';
hm_framework registerproc getorderedcomps graphics_selection_changed;*clearmark comps 1;
proc getorderedcomps args \
variable list1;
lappend list1 [noIntersect;];
}proc noIntersect args \
{variable list1;
foreach item [hm_getmark comps 1] \
if {$item in $list1} \
} else {set comp $item};
return $comp
puts $list10 -
If user deselect a comp you need to lremove item from list1
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Even if deselect component this will take care of it.. Thanks To @tinh for suggestion...
Please try this updated one:
variable list1
proc framework args \
*createmarkpanel comps 1 ' ';
hm_framework registerproc getorderedcomps graphics_selection_changed;}
proc getorderedcomps args \
variable list1;
set value [noIntersect]
if {$value != ''} \
lappend list1 $value ;
}proc noIntersect args \
{variable list1;
set marklist [hm_getmark comps 1];
foreach item $marklist \
if {$item in $list1} \
} else {set comp $item};
if {[info exist comp]} \
return $comp
} else \
foreach item $list1 \
if {$item in $marklist} \
} else \
set list1 [lremove $list1 $item]
puts $list10