Query regarding 0D CBUSH element
Good morning Sir n Mam
I have created a 0D CBUSH element for Resonance Stress Analysis. But in my analysis Cbush element is not showing it's spring behaviour. It seems like nodes of CBUSH element is not properly assigned to local coordinate system.
I am mentioning my procedure to create CBUSH element. Please correct me if I am wrong.
User profile - MSC NASTRAN
Analysis -> Systems->Node by reference> Create
1D -> Cbush->node 1&2 selected(coincident)-> system-> select coordinate system for cbush element-> create
Analysis -> System-> Assign -> select nodes of cbush element--> set displacement.
I don't see panel 1d>cbush
Could you take a screenshot?
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Altair Forum User said:
I don't see panel 1d>cbush
Could you take a screenshot?
1D>spring>then at bottom right corner select element as CBUSH
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On spring panel, where did you select system for cbush?
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Altair Forum User said:
On spring panel, where did you select system for cbush?
In spring panel there is an option at bottom named Orientation, if you scroll that then you get an option named SYSTEMS
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Ok. I think you don't need to assign disp system for the nodes
Tell us why you are sure that cbush is not showing spring behaviour?
How about PBUSH settings? Could you show this card?