STL mesh file export from Hypermesh

Viking_d Altair Community Member
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

Hello ,


I have been trying to export a mesh file from Hypermesh as an stl file. I want the normals oriented in a certain way .

Does exporting as .stl file from Hypermesh change the orientation of the Geometry? I have been constantly getting errors with the geometry orientation.  



  • QuyNguyenDai
    QuyNguyenDai Altair Community Member
    edited September 2019

    Of course, when you change the normal direction of your mesh within Hypermesh, the STL output will be changed.

    Have a look at output in the following:


     facet normal  0.0           0.0           1.0               outer loop        vertex  0.000000E+00 5.0000000E+01  0.000000E+00        vertex  0.000000E+00 3.3333333E+01  0.000000E+00        vertex 1.6666667E+01 5.0000000E+01  0.000000E+00     endloop endfacet

    and when I changed the normal, output will be:


     facet normal  0.0           0.0           -1.0              outer loop        vertex 3.3437438E+01 2.0355164E+01  0.000000E+00        vertex 5.0000000E+01 1.6666667E+01  0.000000E+00        vertex 3.3333333E+01  0.000000E+00  0.000000E+00     endloop endfacet




  • Viking_d
    Viking_d Altair Community Member
    edited September 2019

    Yes, I understand that. When I view the normals on Hypermesh the orientation is correct, the way i want it. 

    But when I export it as an STL file, and view the geometry in another tool the orientation of a few elements seem to have changed. 

    So I am assuming there is a problem with the export as STL option?