Computation time

SAMs Altair Community Member
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A


Hello everyone,

To reduce my computation time, I want to know if it is possible to use my previous results. In fact, my project is an indoor intelligent rays tracing(IRT) projet. For reasons of precision, I increased the maximum number of reflection and transmission. After this modification, my computation time increased to 6 hours, which is a lot. So I wanted to know if it is possible to use the results that I had with a lower number of reflection and transmission to no longer reward somes pixels and thus increase the computation time.

Thank you in advance!



  • Reiner_Hoppe
    Altair Employee
    edited July 2020


    the wave propagation (radio coverage) results computed in ProMan (using e.g. RunPRO button) are saved in the defined folder under the Propagation tab.

    If you change the folder name under the Propagation tab before rerunning the simulation with other settings the old results will be still available and not overwritten.

    So the previous results can be loaded and displayed in ProMan via File => Open Result.