hyperworks give this message: Unable to export model file

Tahar Boudjelal
Tahar Boudjelal Altair Community Member
edited April 2024 in Community Q&A



When i tried to export my model to bdf/nastran, i've got this message (any help is welcomed):




  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited April 2023

    where is the folder that you're trying to write your model? is there any special character that might cause some trouble?

    Or some folder without writting permisisons, maybe.

  • Stefano Fabbri_21424
    Stefano Fabbri_21424 Altair Community Member
    edited April 2024

    Hello Tahar,

    did you solve the problem? I have the same issue.

    I'm dealing with a hm model under MSC Nastran user profile.

    As I'm doing a series of trade-off, I apply some modifications on a base model and save it as a new version.

    Now I'm at Rev T after some modifications (the modifications applied are changing 2 RBE3 elements to RBE2 and aligning two nodes).

    When I try to export the bdf , UI gives the error "Unable to export a model file". Moreover, in the bottom of HM window the message "Cannot write to output file (no output file opened)" appears.

    The process takes about 1 Gb of memory (more than usual) and the interface is frozen with the Windows wait cursor running.

    Needless to say, it occurs in an empty folder with full read and write access rights.

    It is the first time it occurs, I arrived to model Rev T wihout any export issue.

    It started to occur on HM 2019, but I tried also on HM 2021 and HM 2022.3 on three different machines, so it is related to the model (that I cannot share).


    Kind regards,
