Losses computation method

Does somebody could explain me how the iron loss computation is done in Flux, please ?
It seems to be not explained in the help, and it could be helpful to understand how the software works, and to explain differences with experimental measurements.
Let's suppose any kind of iron core. After processing, there is a related map of flux density in this core. But I don't know the steps of computation done by Flux in order to finally give us the amount of hysteresis, eddy current and excess losses.
Maybe the problem is divided into each mesh volume element :
Compute volume element mean flux density --> apply the Bertotti formula --> compute the losses of the volume element --> total volume losses = sum of the losses of each element ?
Or another method ?
Thank you for your help,
For iron losses computation in Flux there are several ways to do it (see attached PDF file). In the help of Flux there are also some details about the methods used see attached link :
Best regards.