antenna array 100x100
i am currently trying to simulate a 100x100 patchantennas.
To save the simulation time i used the spherical mode Source.
The probelm is that it is not possible to make an array with this spherical mode sources and i have to modify the phases manually!!
Is there any solution or maybe a better idea to make array of this mode source and with automatically modification of the phase?
Thanks in Advance.
Best Regards
Haj Hassan
You could try script recording. Record the setup of a few spherical mode sources.
Modify the script, e.g. put in a FOR loop, maybe read the phases from file, or use an equation for the phases.
Then playback the script.
It may be that 10000 spherical mode sources could slow down CADFEKO.
The alternative is to create just one spherical mode source in CADFEKO and then modify the .pre file in EDITFEKO where you use a FOR loop around the AS card (line of ASCII text starting with AS).