Problems running Rear Swingarm KC Analysis

Janani New Altair Community Member
edited July 2022 in Community Q&A

Hello. I am trying to run a kinematic model of a swingarm. Christopher Fadanelli helped develop the initial KC model; I'm not trying to run it with updated swingarm geometry, hardpoints, spring and shock damper parameters.

I worked with Christopher in June, and he helped figure out certain errors I was having while running the model. I still continue to have some errors; I have attached the message log consisting of the errors. I would like to know what they mean and, if possible figure out how to solve them. It would be helpful if I could work with Christopher, or someone else already familiar with the KC model. I am unable to attached the motionsolve file, due to the size limits, but I'd be happy to email the files once someone's been assigned to this case.


  • Praful
    Altair Employee
    edited July 2022

    Hello Janani

    Given that there is no mdl and any other files attached and only going by the message, this is my speculation.

    1. There are warnings about inserting dummy bodies. I presume there is a flexbody that is defined for some body.

    It looks like there are offsets between the interface nodes of the flexbody and the point where the joints/bushings are defined.


    2. The error about no mode info -> It could mean either of the following

    a. the flexbody h3d is not generated correctly

    b. the flexbody h3d is corrupted after it was created.

       - this could happen if your runfile name (the xml for the run) coincided with the filename of the flexbody h3d. Note that the run generates a result h3d and if the names coincide the solver will overwrite the flex h3d with the result h3d, which does not work as a flex body.

    I would recommend generating the flexbody again with some different name, may be with a prefix or suffix as "_flex" to distinguish with other h3ds.

    Hope this helps. If you can share the files, we can understand better.


