Hi naoki,
You can change the surface selector to elements in the automesh panel and select the element to re-mesh and click mesh.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Thank you
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Is your issue resolved?
Thank you
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Hi Premanand
Thank you, but I want to mesh after create tetra mesh.(Solid mesh)
Is it possible?
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Altair Forum User said:
Hi Premanand
Thank you, but I want to mesh after create tetra mesh.(Solid mesh)
Is it possible?
Sorry i didn't get you. You mean, you want to create tetra mesh after 2D mesh?
Thank you
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I mean the model has already meshed 3D.
I want to retry the 3D mesh fineness.
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Delete the mesh and re-do it.
Thank you
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Thank you for early reply.
How should I delete the mesh?
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Simply hide the geometry and delete the elements displayed.
Thank you
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Thank you so much.
I have another question.
Now I try Non-linear transient analysis.
I want to change animation intervals, where should I change?
I changed TSTEP⇒ N,DT, is it not enough?
I don't know the meaning of NLPARM⇒NINC , NLOUT⇒NINT, they are default value.
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Prakash Pagadala is expert in Non-linear. I think he replied to your question. Please ask him, if you have any doubts about this. He will be happy to help you, don't hesitate /emoticons/default_smile.png' srcset='/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x' title=':)' width='20' />
Thank you
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Altair Forum User said:
I don't know the meaning of NLPARM⇒NINC , NLOUT⇒NINT, they are default value.
NINC is the implicit load sub-increments. If your NINC is 10, the load will be divided into 10 and applied in 10 increments (provided pure convergence),
NLOUT is used to output incremental results in h3d format. Start with default value and keep SVNONCV to YES
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Thank you , So in case I set 1.0s time duration in the tstep.
and NOUT/NINT 10.
the animation is divided 0.1s?
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I have one more question
what is the relationship between TSTE/N,DT and NOUT/NINT ?
TSTE/N is sampling number, DT is interval?
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Yes, Dt is the time increment and N is the time step value for DT