Far Field Pattern Calculation

ynathan Altair Community Member
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A


I wonder if I can change the distance at which the far field patterns are calculated? In default mode which distance FEKO uses? Is it 2*D^2/lamda or something else?


Thanks in advance



  • Mel
    Altair Employee
    edited November 2018

    Hi Ynathan


    The farfield does not have a specific absolute distance at which it is calculated. The 1/r distance dependency is removed in the field calculation to obtain the far field.

    The distance at which the 1/r dependency is zero (or negligible) will of course depend on the model.


    To calculate the fields at a specific distance, just request a near field at a large distance from the model. This would then essentially also be a 'far field', but then at a specific distance 

    If the r component of the near field is very very small, then that specific distance could be seen as being 'in the far field' of the model.

  • mgmv7
    mgmv7 Altair Community Member
    edited March 2019



    How can choose theta and phi ranges for far field pattern? Is it specific to each problem?How can I identify the ranges to a particular problem?


    Thanks in advance.

  • Mel
    Altair Employee
    edited March 2019

    hi mgmv7


    Not sure what you mean? The user must request the ranges of angles for the far field to calculate. This is on the Request far fields dialog.
