Static condensation with multiple load cases

I want to apply the static condensation on a problem with multiple load cases.
In manual, 'p2gsub' keyword exists but there is no detail explanation about that.
Please, let me know the process of static condensation with multiple load cases. (the cases of same SPC and different SPC)
I hope there is a smart way rather than the separation of model same as the number of load cases.
Altair Forum User said:
lease, let me know the process of static condensation with multiple load cases. (the cases of same SPC and different SPC)
I hope there is a smart way rather than the separation of model same as the number of load cases.
I think it should be possible as it has to with the elements, provided the same matrix is used for both cases
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Altair Forum User said:
Have you gone through this?
This content exists in manual. But I can't find 'p2gsub' in the control cards.
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Altair Forum User said:
Oh, I will try this.
And, you said 'I think it should be possible as it has to with the elements, provided the same matrix is used for both cases'
Is this meaning that the static condensation with multiple load cases is only possible in the same SPC load cases?
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Altair Forum User said:
Is this meaning that the static condensation with multiple load cases is only possible in the same SPC load cases?
I think so, because you need another set of SPCs for a different one.