Error 16504 The geometry modeller encountered a problem

bouvy Altair Community Member
edited November 2020 in Community Q&A



I am using FEKO 2017.2.


I am getting the following error when trying to union my model together: 


Error 16504: The geometry modeller encountered a problem.
Contact support with a description of what you were doing,
sending the model file (if possible), and the log file that was written to


I've attached the model file as well as the log file specified above. Can you please help? 


Thank you,





  • Mel
    Mel Altair Community Member
    edited August 2020

    It seems the modeller has a problem with the thin cylinders.


    Consider replacing the cylinders with wires. The cylinders are very thin and wires would most likely still be a good representation at the frequencies in question.


    Else, try putting a small gap, say lambda/20 at the highest frequency, between the cylinders and the connection points to the box. In the gaps then use wires.