3 API questions for Rural ray tracing

Roland Sipos
Roland Sipos Altair Community Member
edited April 2024 in Community Q&A


I have 3 questions regarding API specifics of rural propagation with rays tracing models: 

1: With Standard Raytracing propagation model, I has the following setting:


but in „int Model_RAYTRACING::GroundInteractions”, it says „Allow ground interactions (reflections, and diffractions) in case of vector databases (*.tdv databases). Set to '1' to enable it.”
So apparently 1 field for 2 separate checkboxes?  What if I want to eanble one and disable the other on the UI? 


-"int Model_RAYTRACING::IgnoreAdditionalTransm", "int Model_RAYTRACING::IgnoreAdditionalDiffr", "int Model_RAYTRACING::IgnoreAdditionalScatt".
These 3 fileds are all checkboxes on the UI, but the description talks about setting number of reflections, or -1.
Am I correct to assume these are 0/1 int fileds (like all checkboxes), and the description is  talking about the „int Model_RAYTRACING::MaxNrReflections” field, when says „Set to the number of reflections for which additional transmissions are allowed, -1 to disable.”?


-With Shooting and Bouncing rays, The UI has a „ray density” part: I don’t find the „Gain adaptation” field in the API.  Are the rest of the below mappings correct?



Thank you.


  • Reiner_Hoppe
    Altair Employee
    edited April 2024

    Hello Roland,

    please find here our feedback to your questions:

    1. Indeed the API parameter handles both reflections and diffractions together, so activating only one of the two is not possible. However you can activate this parameter and then disable the propagation phenomena (e.g. diffraction) in the material properties.

    int Model_RAYTRACING::GroundInteractions
    Allow ground interactions (reflections, and diffractions) in case of vector databases (*.tdv
    databases). Set to '1' to enable it.


    2. Please note the description is correct and these are not 0/1 parameters, but the user should specify for how many reflections the additional transmission / diffraction / scattering shall be discarded.

    When setting these parameters to 1 there will the same effect as in the GUI, i.e. rays with two reflections will not have additional transmission / diffraction / scattering



    3. Please note the correlation between GUI and API parameters for the SBR is:

    Max ray tube width / height

    SBR_maxTubeArea in meter

    0.05 m

    Gain adaptation

    SBR_adaptive_maxTubeArea, number of steps


    Max ray tube width / height at max. gain

    N/A as auto-computed in GUI

    Max ray tube width /
    (2 ^ (number of steps))

    Ray length to first split

    SBR_trxDistTubeArea in meter

    1.0 m

    Scattered rays per impact



    Diffracted rays per impact



    Best regards,