API support for "Empirical two ray model" model parameters

Roland Sipos
Roland Sipos Altair Community Member
edited March 2024 in Community Q&A

I'm using the API to compute wave propagation prediction, more specifically I use the OutdoorPlugIn_ComputePoints() function, the scenario is RURAL, and the propagation model I want to use is "Empirical tw ray model" (WinProp_ParaMain::PredictionModelRural = PREDMODEL_RURAL_2RAY_EMP)

My problem is, I don't find where I can pass the model paramteres through the API. With most other propagation models I found the API support for model paramteres, either with dedicated models structures , or through the WinProp_ParaRural struct. 

According to the Proman UI,  the "empirical two ray model" propagation model receives the following 6 paramteres: 


Where can I pass these parameters using OutdoorPlugIn_ComputePoints() ? 
Thank you very much!



  • Reiner_Hoppe
    Altair Employee
    edited March 2024

    Hi Roland,

    please set the propagation exponents (before / after Breakpoint) in the WinProp_ParaRural struct, components ExponentLOS and ExponentLOSaB. The two exponent values are sufficient, as you can either define values for terrestrial or satellite transmitters.

    For the Breakpoint distance the values as defined in WinProp_ParaMain are used:
    BreakpointMode, BreakpointFactor, BreakpointOffset, BreakpointDistance

    Hopefully this will help you further!

    Best regards,

  • Roland Sipos
    Roland Sipos Altair Community Member
    edited March 2024

    Thank you Reiner!

    Let me have a follow-up question, regarding the 'rural dominanat path modell': do I understand it right that the UI and the API handling of the 'rural dominant path modell' and the 'urban dominant path model' is exactly the same, both use the same "Model_DPM" struct (and WinProp_ParaMain for breakpoint specifics) in the API for the parameters? The only difference I see between the urban and rural scenario are the different default values of imput paramteres. 

    Best Regards,


  • Reiner_Hoppe
    Altair Employee
    edited March 2024

    Thank you Reiner!

    Let me have a follow-up question, regarding the 'rural dominanat path modell': do I understand it right that the UI and the API handling of the 'rural dominant path modell' and the 'urban dominant path model' is exactly the same, both use the same "Model_DPM" struct (and WinProp_ParaMain for breakpoint specifics) in the API for the parameters? The only difference I see between the urban and rural scenario are the different default values of imput paramteres. 

    Best Regards,


    Hello Roland,

    yes, the same parameter structure Model_DPM is used for both the urban and rural scenarios.
    Besides the different default values also the objects which are then evaluated are different, i.e. building (and vegetation) vectors superposed to a topographical layer for "urban" compared to clutter & topo pixel data for "rural".

    Best regards,