Export volumetric mesh for ansys

Alessio Trebbi
Alessio Trebbi Altair Community Member
edited October 2021 in Community Q&A


I am trying to export the volumetric mesh shown in the picture. The mesh has in total 3 bounded solids that share 2 surfaces. First I made a 2d mesh with tria in the bonding surfaces and then I created the 3d mesh with tetra based on existing meshes. I checked the type of element in the 1D/2D/3D viewer and they seem to be all 3D. 

At this point, I want to export the mesh in a .cbd file. Initially, I got errors of invalid elements. Then I tried to set up an element type (figure 1) for the tetra but I still get a .cbd file with only the node position (Figure 2). I use the following command for exporting (Figure 3).

I want to export a .cbd file that has the node position, and faces, elements... that can be read by ansys. 

Thank you 







  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited October 2021

    did you create the mesh already while in Ansys user profile? Or did you create it in another profile and changed to Ansys later?


    You can update your elements and try exporting again in 3d>>elem types

    Make sure you select all your elements and 'update' them.

    Depending on how you have created the mesh, it might be with wrong element types, and them the mesh is not properly imported.

    Also, when importing in Ansys, make sure you use the correct options there. There are a few steps to import the model correctly there, using "External Model".

    Ansys keeps changing its import options, so I can't assist you so much.
