SIMSOLID Virtual Pin Connectors
I am having trouble with pin connectors as the process gets really slow gradually as the number of pin connectors increases. It becomes slow to the point that it may takes 1 to 2 minutes to select faces and click OK.
I have updated to 2019.4.1 and realised the colour of connections changed to be red regardless of whether the faces or edges are bondoed or have freedom to move i.e. seperation connections. Prior the update, the bonded connections were red and the seperation or pin connections were green. It is not possible to differensiate between the two in the new version unless you go through the tree of 1000s of connections. Can this go back to red and green again please?
Additionally, inserting a pin connection, the previous version of the software used keep these visible, now they are not visible anymore so I cannot see if I have inserted the pins or not unless again I select the pin from the tree to see whether they are there or not. Can we have the visual feedback back like the prevuous version of Simsolid?
M Jenaban
Did you try with latest version 2020.1 ?
Regardless of the version, Virtual connectors are there to overcome a lack of geometry. The power of SimSolid comes from its abilities to deals with large and complex assemblies. In that case it would be easier to get the complete assembly with the parts representing the joints or pins.