what is Absorbing Waveguide Terminations?

oussama1 Altair Community Member
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

Waveguide ports without sources are considered to be absorbing waveguide terminations in FEKO. i m wondering that if it is possible to consider those terminations as matched terminals ?

simply  :  absorbing waveguide terminations = matched terminations  ????

let's suppose a coaxial cable in which waveguide ports are considered.  port 1 is connected to a waveguide source, where the  port 2 is not connected. is it possible to say that the port 2 is connected to the characteristic impedance of the coaxial cable  Z0=sqrt(L/C) ? where L and C are the p.u.l parameters of the coaxial cable 


image.png.c558fc8ee94fecb4593102f684b835c9.pngCoaxial cable with waveguide ports





  • oussama1
    oussama1 Altair Community Member
    edited December 2019

    Since no one has answered my question i would like to answer it by my self.  waveguide ports without sources are considered to be absorbing i.e. are connected to their characteristic impedance.  i have validated that by extracting the S-parameters and i found s11 is equal to zero given port two connected to waveguide port without source.

  • Mel
    Altair Employee
    edited December 2019
