Cosimulation, Motion view/Motion solve and Simulink/Matlab

Jasmin Heyser
Jasmin Heyser Altair Community Member
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A
I am working on a cosimulation between simulink and Motion view/ moton solve right now.
But when I start the cosimulation has convergence Problems that where shown in the log file of motion view.
I checked the debug mode and found the errors that say that there are problems with the MEX-File and the libraries,  there was also written that the icudt61.dll file couln't be used. I searched the web and found in the forum that the .dll file might only be for the 32 bit version of matlab but not for the 64bit (the version I have) here is the link to the forum page I found:
I wonderd If any body had that problem before, if this could be the reason for the convergence problem and how I could fix it?.
thanks in advance and kind regards
Jasmin Heyser