creating solid geometry from stl files

Hello everyone,
I'm newbie in Inspire.
When i imported the stl file into inspire, i couldn't analysis. After reading an answer of a similar question in our forum, i figured it out that i have to create solid geom from stl file.
But the question is how do i know if the solid model can be created automatically from stl file, or i have to do it on my own.
In the help you can read that STL is mesh based and therefore no geometry format.
I do not know that you can automatically convert it to geometry in Inspire.
Best Regards,
Geometry Formats for Import
ACIS (.sab, .sat): through R21
CATIA V4 (.model): all 4.xx
CATIA V5 (.CATPart, .CATProduct): R10 through R27
IGES (.iges, .igs): 5.2 & 5.3
Inventor (.ipt, .iam): through 2017
JT (.jt): 7.0 through 10.2
OBJ (.obj): Inspire will only read in mesh data from obj files.
Parasolid (.x_b, .x_t, .xmt_bin, .xmt_txt): through 30.0
Pro/Engineer (.asm, .prt): 13 through Creo 4
SolidWorks (.sldasm, .sldprt): 99 through 2017 (We do not support files written from SolidWorks EDU Edition 2013-2017.)
STEP (.step, .stp): AP 203, AP 214, AP 242
UG NX (Unigraphics) (.prt): 11.0 through NX 11
Evolve PolyNURBS (.pn): through 2017.3
Mesh Formats for Import
STL (ASCII .stl)
Optistruct (.dat, .fem, .nas): through 14.0
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Thanks for your answer.
I read this post:Mr. Rahul said that stl should be used as a template / guide to create solid geometry within Inspire. If the model looks easy to rebuild it manually, it's ok, but if the stl model is complex, what should i do to create the solid geometry?
Thanks.0 -
Thank you. this is helpful for getting Solid shapes form STl file.