Do you have any suggestions or recommendations to resolve this issue?

Gorka Romeu
Gorka Romeu Altair Community Member
edited September 4 in Community Q&A


I wanted to tell you that I've managed to activate my Altair license. Most of the programs, like Inspire, are working fine now. However, ESAcomp still shows an error (code 9) indicating it can't find the necessary features. I've followed the steps indicated for the student license, but unfortunately ESAcomp still isn't working. Do you have any suggestions or recommendations to resolve this issue?



The error:

Altair License Manager. License error.
Features: GlobalZoneEU, HyperWorks, HWESAcomp
Error code: 9
Error description: Features not found
License path: C:/Program Files (x86)/Altair ESAcomp 2020/altair_lic.dat




  • Chayan
    Altair Employee
    edited September 4

    If using an on-prem license, set up the env variable to point to the license server. If using a managed license,  download and install the Altair License Manager and then authorize your machine to use managed licenses.

    Your school's sys admin should be able to help you with the required information.