EDEM Tutorial on Swather Raking Grass Simulation

Rashmi Sharma
Rashmi Sharma New Altair Community Member
edited January 2024 in Community Q&A

Dear Altair EDEM Support,

My name is Rashmi Sharma and I am a affiliated with University of Missouri with a keen interest in applying EDEM simulations to agricultural machinery. I am writing to request your assistance in finding a tutorial that guides me through the process of recreating or regenerating an EDEM simulation of a swather raking grass i.e present on your website.

I am particularly interested in understanding the entire workflow, from defining the swather geometry and grass material properties to setting up the simulation parameters, running the simulation, and analyzing the results. I believe this knowledge would be invaluable in optimizing the design and performance of swathers and other agriculture machinery for improved forage handling.

Ideally, I would prefer a comprehensive tutorial that covers the following aspects:

Importing or constructing the 3D geometry of a swather, including relevant components like rakes, belts, and conveyors.
Defining the material properties of the grass, such as particle size distribution, density, friction coefficient, and restitution coefficient.
Setting up the simulation parameters, including gravity, time step, contact detection, and solver settings.
Generating the initial configuration of the grass particles within the swather environment.
Running and monitoring the simulation for stability and accuracy.
Analyzing the simulation results, focusing on factors like rake performance, grass flow behavior, and potential issues like blockages or wear.

I understand that there might be existing resources available on EDEM simulations for agricultural applications. If any tutorials or case studies closely resemble the swather raking grass scenario, I would appreciate you pointing me in that direction.

My ultimate goal is to gain a thorough understanding of EDEM's capabilities in simulating agricultural machine and forage interaction and use that knowledge to contribute to advancements in agricultural machinery design.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to your response and the opportunity to learn more about EDEM's potential in the agricultural sector.


Rashmi Sharma
