Assigning a property ID to a component in HMIN lib.
While reading a file using the HyperMesh HMIN library, I can add components and assign materials using HMIN_component_write. How do I assign a property ID to the component? I could not find a command in the documentation nor do I see an option in the list of function parameters:
void HMIN_component_write(HM_entityidtype id, char *name, HM_entityidtype materialid, int color);
Thank you.
I was able to figure it out via trial and error. Posting it here if someone has the question in the future.
"HMIN_assignproperty(HM_entityidtype pid, char *PropertyName, unsigned int propertyIdPool)" is an undocumented HMIN function. The trick is it must be called immediately after HMIN_component_write() or HyperMesh returns an error telling you to contact HM support.