Including both Shell and Beam Elements in Section Cut

Francesco Schettino
Francesco Schettino Altair Community Member
edited August 9 in Community Q&A


I am working on a model that includes both shell and beam elements, and I would like to obtain a section cut that considers both types of elements. My goal is to generate a section in HyperBeam that includes all the necessary properties (moments of inertia, area, centroid, shear center, etc.) to assign to an equivalent beam model.

Currently, when following the procedure to obtain a Beam Section from a Section Cut of the Shell Section, the beam elements are ignored. Is there a way to include the beam elements in the section cut as well? If not, what would be the best method to automatically calculate all the section properties considering all the elements in my model (both shell and beam elements in this case)?

Attached are photos showing the composition of my section and the result I obtain in HyperBeam using the steps outlined above for the Shell Section.

Thank you for your support



  • GTT Johan
    GTT Johan
    Altair Employee
    edited August 9

    Hi Francesco
    If I understand your problem correct you have a shell structure that is reinforced with beam elements and now you want the sum of this?
    When you look at a section you only get out the 2d mesh!
    You can try to inflate the 1d beams to 3d mesh and then create a new mesh section that you have as input to hyperbeam.