Hypermesh 2023

William Donato
William Donato New Altair Community Member
edited 2023 23 in Community Q&A

Here at Heart Aerospace we use Hypermesh. I've been told that you are changing the interface of the software now in 2023. I would like to have access to a training material to the new interface. How can I find it?



  • PaulAltair
    Altair Employee
    edited 2023 23

    The 2023 release isn't until later this year and as such there aren't training materials specifically for that release yet

    To get started with the new interface as it stands today, you should visit

    https://web.altair.com/new-hyperworks-experience for an overview

    To be clear, both old and new interfaces have been present/available in recent HyperWorks releases (including 2022) and will continue to be in 2023. 

    The change that is happening with 2023 is that the new interface will have further developments and the 'legacy' classic HM is being put into maintenance mode (i.e. new features will be added only to the new interface).