Gaayatri Altair Community Member
edited 2023 27 in Community Q&A

I'm using Student version of Altair Feko20   ERROR 832: Segmentation rules have been violated (two triangles touch without a common edge).  

I followed the above steps answered for a similar question but the repair option is locked for me. Is it because of student version



  • Torben Voigt
    Torben Voigt
    Altair Employee
    edited 2023 21

    Hi @Gaayatri ,

    Please attach the .cfx file here, so I can try to fix the mesh.

    Best regards,

  • Gaayatri
    Gaayatri Altair Community Member
    edited 2023 22

    Thank you @Torben Voigt 


  • Torben Voigt
    Torben Voigt
    Altair Employee
    edited 2023 22
    Gaayatri said:

    Thank you @Torben Voigt 


    Hi @Gaayatri ,

    in the .out file it says "The triangles 6 and 3 touch, but they do not have a common edge. ERROR 832: Segmentation rules have been violated (two triangles touch without a common edge)".

    In POSTFEKO I can find those triangles using "Find mesh":

    In CADFEKO by using "Connectivity" I can see that the faces are not connected (a tiny distance between them):

    Not sure how you did this, but I quickly created a new face by lofting the two outer edges of "conn1" and "conn2" and split them in half.

    New model attached.

    Best regards,

  • Gaayatri
    Gaayatri Altair Community Member
    edited 2023 27

    Thank you @Torben Voigt 

      I'm sorry, I didn't get notification. Thank you solving this.