Transient Analysis
I'm trying to perform a transient simulation of mixing elbow, I would like to know what is the significance of these values and what are all necessary to specify?
(I have already specified tie step size as .001s and final time as 5sec)
Transient update factor: 1.0 > Allow the full change in solution as computed by the solver
Min/Max Stagger Iterations: We want convergence each time step to get a time-accurate, time-resolved solution. 0 means ignore and use the default which is 2 passes through the equations each time step for both min and max. You can increase Maximum to allow for better convergence within the time step
Transient Maximum Steps - 0 means ignore that and use your stated final time as the stopping criterion for the run
You'll also find information on these in the Help system - Command Reference Manual - Solution Strategy commands1