Expand a hole in 3D mesh by Morphing

Andy Ellis_21076
Andy Ellis_21076 Altair Community Member
edited March 2022 in Community Q&A

I would like to expand the diameter of an existing hole in a 3D tetrahedral mesh using the Morph functionality in HyperMesh 2019.1.  I have been able to do it in a 2D mesh using the "alter dimensions" panel, but have struggled unsuccessfully to do the same for holes in 3D mesh.  The attachment shows one such hole, and note that it is actually a second order mesh even though it looks 1st order.  The model doesn't contain any geometry (solids/surfaces), so is there a way of morphing the mesh without it? how should I go about this please?



  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited March 2022

    try something like the following video

  • Andy Ellis_21076
    Andy Ellis_21076 Altair Community Member
    edited March 2022

    Many thanks Adriano, I found after some other guidance that on the morph freehand page that there was a "move to surf" function that was suitable, as by now I had generated a cylindrical surface geometry of the desired diameter, and could use that as a target surface for the mesh.  I will have a go with the method you suggest too and see whether that works for me as well.

    Best regards