Are there any benchmark problem statements for validation of antenna placement problems ?
I will be using FEKO on ship applications. Before proceeding with the FEKO tool I required guidance on taking some sample problems which are applicable to ships/aeroplanes and automobile applications as test cases (validations if possible).
Query 1 :
Let us assume we place multiple antennas some distance apart from each other, can anyone help me sharing some test cases which are been solved earlier for which experimental validations were also performed?
Query 2:
In terms of antenna placement applications, may I get clarity on how to identify the standard values as per antenna type, taking examples of antenna parameters such as :
S-parameters, interference, losses, etc. with a sample benchmark problem which may help in identifying operation limits for the parameters from the component library.
A typical interest would be to check for LF, HF, VHF and UHF antennas (with omni-directional or uni-directional antennas) as in case of ships.
Can someone really help me on developing a capability towards the above?
Hi Himanshu,
Please go through the attached webinar on Antenna placement.
This webinar will provide all the insights about antenna placement and cosite interference.
Here are few articles on Antenna placement and cosite interference using FEKO.