Overwrite existing .fem file (Hyperworks 2024)

Prathveraj Shetty
Prathveraj Shetty Altair Community Member
edited August 21 in Community Q&A

#Export the model
*retainmarkselections 0
*feoutputmergeincludefiles 0
*setsubmodeltype "HM_INCLUDEFILES"
*setentitytypesupportedbyenggid 1 0
*feoutputwithdata "C:/Program Files/Altair/2024/hwdesktop/templates/feoutput/optistruct/optistruct" "file_pathe.fem" 0 0 2 1 7
hm_answernext 'yes';

I am using this script to export the file. When I use this code in Hyperworks, it still asks me permission to replace the existing file. In hmbtach the file is not getting overwritten automatically. What should I do to perform this operation automatically

