Why is venting tool not available ?

Altair Community Member
Hi all, I'm just after completing the Elearning for Inspire Mold. I'm running 2022.2.1. In Module 5 the exercise requires the use of venting. However there is no venting tool available to me. Has anyone had the same issue, or know how to access it. I also noticed that in the same module that "End Time" is missing from the Process parameters dialogue box. I've attached two images to explain. Any help or pointers would be great.
Hi @mreynolds ,
I faced same is problem of venting with you too, I think this is some bugs with this 2022.2 version.
But in the latest version of 2022.3, I can access this venting again.
About the end time in cooling stage.
It only appears when you active the Advanced Setup box.