absolute reference file path in mvw and mdl files

Altair Community Member
I did example of motionview about trunk opening
I save project as a .mvw file
Looking inside file, i see command *FileReference that points to file trunk.mdl with absolute path (C:/users/tinh/documents/trunk.mdl)
I copy project to other computer and could not open the session due to reference file not found
Is it possible to make file reference relatively always?
also in mdl file, if there is a graphic locating by some file (not primitive graphic), it points to the file absolutely
so mdl file could not be opened when moving project folder
I see also this 'feature'. I work not often with .mvw so I edit it directly with vim editor
/emoticons/default_smile.png' alt=':)' srcset='/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x' width='20' height='20'>