Export Include in long format
I would like to know if it is possible to export an include file in 'Nastran long format'.
I know I can export the entire model in long format by 'Export-->Solver Deck-->template-->long format' but when I use the option 'Export an include' after right click on it always is in 'Standard format'.
Do anyone know if it is possible to do it in long format?
Thank you in advance.
Hi George,
First of all, Thank you for your quick answer.
Yes, I know that tool but my model is quite big and it takes time to export the entire model. If only I could export just the include that I have modified in long format, it would be very helpful.
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Hi Jpenche,
Before exporting go to File>>Load>>Solver Template>> and select generallf. Then try exporting the include file.
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Hi George,
Thank you very much. That is exactly what I needed.
My doubt is solved.