ERROR 40631: Intersecting elements in cad feko

This usually happens if there are more than 1 part in the model and you did not Union all the parts that have ohmic connections.
Or it could happen when you import a mesh and the mesh connectivity is poor.
Open the OUT file in POSTFEKO. It will show the element numbers causing the error. On the Mesh tab you can find the elements in the 3D view.
Then you will have to fix the mesh in those areas in CADFEKO, or in the external application if you imported the mesh from elsewhere.
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Thank u for ur valuble response,
May i know the steps to resolve it where i have to start to clear this error
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The *.out file will show something as follows:
Intersection found between Triangle 316 and Triangle 442562
Triangle x y z
316 1.4928E-03 3.2447E+00 -1.2687E-01
1.3875E-03 3.2445E+00 -1.2686E-01
2.5084E-04 3.2444E+00 -1.2685E-01
442562 5.8163E-04 3.2436E+00 -1.2686E-01
2.5084E-04 3.2444E+00 -1.2685E-01
3.2470E-03 3.2449E+00 -1.2687E-01
Intersecting elements found. Review the mesh connectivity in CADFEKO and correct the CAD model or merge coincident vertices for mesh models. Incorrectly detected intersections might also be caused by model extents that are set too large or by the maximum identical distance that is set incorrectly for the mesh.
ERROR 40619: Intersecting elements foundIn POSTFEKO view the elements as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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Thank you sir.
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Calculate the input impedance and radiation pattern of a dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) with a coaxial pin feed on a finite ground
how to calculate as theoritcally can i get any advices sir...
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