i am getting segmentation error in Hype mesh 2017.3

Vikas Kaprwan
Vikas Kaprwan Altair Community Member
edited 2023 28 in Community Q&A

hello i am getting segmetation error in hypermesh 2017.3.




  • Chayan
    Altair Employee
    edited 2023 28


    Is this something new? Were there any changes/updates made to the Operating System/HyperWorks recently? Does it happen with a particular operation/file or is it random?

    As a starting point you could close all sessions of HyperWorks, delete the session files and try again. The session files are in your working directory (My Documents folder) and are

    1. hmmenu.set
    2. hwsettings.xml
    3. command.cmf or command.tcl

    Let us know if the above works/doesent work. In case it doesent work, pls provide some more details. Thanks.