The Tribocharging Model of EDEM 2023
When I use the Tribocharging model of EDEM 2023, particles and geometrys collide to transfer charge and a lot of charge accumulates on the geometrys. However, I want the charge on the geometrys to be zero all the time (because the gepmetrys have a high conductivity and the charge can dissipate quickly), how can I achieve this? Where is the source file or dll file for the Tribocharging model?
Please help me to realize this setting. Thanks a lot.
Hi Alice,
We don't have the source code for the Tribocharging model available however the in-built model uses Custom Properties that the API can access.'Charge' is a Custom Geometry property so you can write an API model which resets this to 0 every timestep.
I've attached an example of this, in the 'sim' folder there is an example of the model setup where the ResetCharge.dll is applied to the particle-geometry interaction. The .dll includes the code:
void CNoForce_v3_4_0::configForTimeStep(NApiCore::ICustomPropertyDataApi_1_0* simPropData, NApiCore::IParticleManagerApi_1_4* particleManager, NApiCore::IGeometryManagerApi_1_3* geometryManager, double time) { geometryManager->resetCustomPropertyForAllGeometries(iCUSTCHARGE, 0.0); }
Which resets the charge variable to 0.0 each timestep.
You can see an introduction to EDEM API here -
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Hi Alice
Do you have a reason to use the tribocharging model if you do not want to transfer charge from particles to surface? You can remove the model, and then there will be no charge transfer.
Jerrin Job0 -
Stephen Cole_21117 said:
Hi Alice,
We don't have the source code for the Tribocharging model available however the in-built model uses Custom Properties that the API can access.'Charge' is a Custom Geometry property so you can write an API model which resets this to 0 every timestep.
I've attached an example of this, in the 'sim' folder there is an example of the model setup where the ResetCharge.dll is applied to the particle-geometry interaction. The .dll includes the code:
void CNoForce_v3_4_0::configForTimeStep(NApiCore::ICustomPropertyDataApi_1_0* simPropData, NApiCore::IParticleManagerApi_1_4* particleManager, NApiCore::IGeometryManagerApi_1_3* geometryManager, double time) { geometryManager->resetCustomPropertyForAllGeometries(iCUSTCHARGE, 0.0); }
Which resets the charge variable to 0.0 each timestep.
You can see an introduction to EDEM API here -
Hi Stephen
Could you please share the contact electrification model and the electrostatic interaction model of EDEM 2023 based on the model developed by Pei et al.(C. Pei, C.-Y. Wu, M. Adams, DEM-CFD analysis of contact electrification and electrostatic interactions during fluidization, Powder Technol. 304 (2016) 208–217.) ?
The tribocharging and electrostatic models built in edem are not built according to the usual principles, and I cannot use them.0