Linear motor

The best way is to use Flux 3D. You can start with the supervisor example of a linear machine. To get this example:
Flux 3D supervisor >> select Open example >> Select application note: linear motor.
Best regards.
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Actually i have done the example. I also have done all the step but it failed at the solving which i set the step number 81 but it only can compute at step 16 only.
For your information the geometry almost same like example but the different is magnet arrangement and the dimension.
thank you.
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Can you share your project.
Best regards.
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okay later on i will share. But i have some question which what is the possibility if the convergence cannot solve?. And the arrow domain in graphic represent for what? Is the arrow represent magnetic field or magnetic flux?
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Generally, there are several reasons for the non-convergence of the project, among which is the type of solver to be used.
About the arrow, they represent the flux density.
Best regards.
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oh i see, is the altair flux can run halbach array concept?
Thank you.
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Yes, in Flux there is a macro to take into account of the halbach array concept. From data tree
Select extension >> macros>> select macros_Flux2D_postproc >> select HalbachMagnetization2D.PFM
Best regards.
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So if i use 3D i should select macros_Flux3D_postproc>>select HalbachMagnetization3D.PFM?
Then if use halbach concept, should i set the orientation of the magnet as normal?
To easy for you, please find the attached file for you reference. the coil arrangement in series.
should i assign in physic for the magnet?
Best Regards.
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i also have question about what is different between isovalue, isoline and arrow and it represent for what.
and the different between domain, no vacuum, vacuum and no infinite.
Thank you
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The (scalar) spatial quantities can be displayed on various supports in the form of isovalues (color-shade), isolines (the color of lines is equivalent those of the color shade) or arrows. About the difference between:
Domain: you take all the regions (face/ volume) to display a scalar
No vacuum, you don’t take into account of the region type air (vacuum)
Vacuum and infinite, you take into account of both region air and infinite
All the differences between the support, you can find it in the help of Flux.
Best regards.
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