Implementing a rpm dependent torque controller.

Hi, I'm currently studying a hammer crusher, and when applying a constant rpm the torque spikes up to 5x the motor's rating. To make the simulation more realistic I thought about implementing the torque/rpm curve of the motor which is T=(w*(1-s))/Ω = (950000*(1-0.014))/(2*pi*rpm/60) while also setting a max rpm limit of 253. The problem is I have no idea how to do it, I've tried using the torque controller feature but as the only possible variable is time I can't find a way to do it in the EDEM GUI. I have no experience with EDEM API or how to access it through the Field Data Manager, I was hoping for some guidance on this matter.
I appreciate any help you can provide.
Hi João,
The EDEM torque controller can model relatively simple torque responses and also allow you to input time dependent equations, however there isn't currently an option to add the RPM in.
You could consider setting up the motion in MotionSolve and couple this to EDEM:
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Hi Stephen;
first of all, I want to thank you for the reply and I'm sorry I couldn't respond sooner, I've been very busy lately.
I have tried to use MotionView to solve my problem as you suggested, but I haven't been successful at importing CAD models to the program, I kept getting a message saying "Invalid file specified or the specified CAD/CAE type does not match the actual file type." but I made sure to select the correct file format every time. I tried with .step and .sdlprt and .sldasm but none of them opened.
I tested both import geometry and import geometry with HyperMesh and nothing has worked so far, I managed to get some imported geometries, but when I go check them they seem invisible even when the visible box is checked. At first, I thought it was a unit problem but I couldn't find an option to alter the CAD units. To make matters worse I could import the geometries into HyperMesh on the first try, so it means the problem relies on MotionView.
Best regards,
João Gaspar
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João Gaspar said:
Hi Stephen;
first of all, I want to thank you for the reply and I'm sorry I couldn't respond sooner, I've been very busy lately.
I have tried to use MotionView to solve my problem as you suggested, but I haven't been successful at importing CAD models to the program, I kept getting a message saying "Invalid file specified or the specified CAD/CAE type does not match the actual file type." but I made sure to select the correct file format every time. I tried with .step and .sdlprt and .sldasm but none of them opened.
I tested both import geometry and import geometry with HyperMesh and nothing has worked so far, I managed to get some imported geometries, but when I go check them they seem invisible even when the visible box is checked. At first, I thought it was a unit problem but I couldn't find an option to alter the CAD units. To make matters worse I could import the geometries into HyperMesh on the first try, so it means the problem relies on MotionView.
Best regards,
João Gaspar
Hi João,
Just to confirm the issue is import to MotionView or when you transfer the geometry from MotionView to EDEM as part of the coupling?
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The issue occurs when I import the geometry initially to MotionView, I haven't tried to couple it to EDEM so far.
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Hello Joao,
for the geometry you can try altering the units upon importing. You need to select the graphic and from entity editor go to Location and then scale and probably set it to 1000 like shown in the picture below.Ideally I would suggest to first export the geometry as a parasolid from you CAD software and maybe use this file as import to MotionView. Hope this helps!
Best regards,
Orestes.0 -
For the past few days, I've been trying to couple EDEM with either MotionView or Inspire, but I haven't succeeded so far. Is there any way we could arrange an online meeting to resolve this issue?
Best regards,
João Gaspar
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João Gaspar said:
For the past few days, I've been trying to couple EDEM with either MotionView or Inspire, but I haven't succeeded so far. Is there any way we could arrange an online meeting to resolve this issue?
Best regards,
João Gaspar
Hello Joao,
in order to connect with an Altair agent, I suggest to create a request through Altair Community -> Contact Support or else you may share any material here.
Hope this helps!
Best regards,