Solution does not have convergence and Error 33457

Wayne K
Wayne K New Altair Community Member
edited October 2021 in Community Q&A

The file with V2 does not converge, so in the file with V3 at the end, I selected all the faces and right click properties, went to the solutions tab, and changed Integral Equation to Combined Fields. However, when I reran it, I got Error 33457.  Also, I am running version v2020.1 on my laptop to make adjustments then transferring it to another computer running v2021.2. Would that cause any problems?



V2 OUT file will no upload. Below is the last part of  the OUT file with the error.



Maximum number of iterations: 250
Stopping criterion (vector norm): 3.00000E-03

Per process, 210.533 MByte of memory has been allocated dynamically,
which corresponds to 5.006 GByte in total for all processes together
(peak memory usage of 211.215 MByte per process so far)

Stopping after 250 iterations with a minimum residuum of 5.04915E-01
ERROR 33498: Maximum number of iterations reached without convergence

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ERROR 33498: Maximum number of iterations reached without convergence

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ERROR 33498: Maximum number of iterations reached without convergence

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ERROR 33498: Maximum number of iterations reached without convergence

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ERROR 33498: Maximum number of iterations reached without convergence

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ERROR 33498: Maximum number of iterations reached without convergence

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ERROR 33498: Maximum number of iterations reached without convergence

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ERROR 33498: Maximum number of iterations reached without convergence

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ERROR 33498: Maximum number of iterations reached without convergence

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ERROR 33498: Maximum number of iterations reached without convergence

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ERROR 33498: Maximum number of iterations reached without convergence

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ERROR 33498: Maximum number of iterations reached without convergence

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ERROR 33498: Maximum number of iterations reached without convergence

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ERROR 33498: Maximum number of iterations reached without convergence

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ERROR 33498: Maximum number of iterations reached without convergence

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ERROR 33498: Maximum number of iterations reached without convergence

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ERROR 33498: Maximum number of iterations reached without convergence

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ERROR 33498: Maximum number of iterations reached without convergence

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ERROR 33498: Maximum number of iterations reached without convergence

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ERROR 33498: Maximum number of iterations reached without convergence

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ERROR 33498: Maximum number of iterations reached without convergence

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ERROR 33498: Maximum number of iterations reached without convergence

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ERROR 33498: Maximum number of iterations reached without convergence

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ERROR 33498: Maximum number of iterations reached without convergence

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  • Mel
    Mel Altair Community Member
    edited October 2021

    When applying CFIE for MLFMM, all the mesh normals should point towards the region where the source is, in this case, towards the outside of the model. You can fix this on the CAD or the mesh, but usually easier on the CAD:


    Green indicates the face normals point outward, brown is inward. It can be inverted on the face properties.

    But there is a better solution for this model. You can use the default solver, with higher order basis functions enabled. On the General tab of Solver settings check this box:


    Note that some artefacts from the CAD creation has caused redundant details in the geometry, for example, there are multiple regions (volumes) and the mesher tries to resolve this causing unnecessary extra mesh triangles.


    Use "Simplify" on the Transform tab to remove this and mesh again:


    With a "Standard" mesh it uses just under 1 GByte. The benefit here is that the model is solved once (LU decomposition) and all subsequent plane wave incidence angles only require a fast so-called backward substitution into the matrix. This will run orders of magnitude faster than MLFMM which requires a new set of iterations for each incident angle. (You also need not worry about the normals and you don't need CFIE for this solution.)

    The model solved in a few minutes on my desktop. You can even rerun with a "Fine" mesh if you want very high accuracy.

    The HOBF version is attached.

  • Mel
    Mel Altair Community Member
    edited October 2021

    >> Also, I am running version v2020.1 on my laptop to make adjustments then transferring it to another computer running v2021.2. Would that cause any problems?

    No, Feko is backwards compatible, meaning models created in an older version will work ok in a newer version. 

    But models created in a newer version will not necessarily run in an older version - this is "forwards compatibility" which is not generally supported.