Rigid pole impact analysis using RADIOSS
Altair Community Member
Hi. I'm a student using RADIOSS solver.
I'm doing rigid pole impact analysis using RADIOSS solver.
But I have a problem.
When the structure consist of shell element collide with pole, the deformation does not occur and the analysis is end.
I think this problem happened because of element or contact.
Please help me.
And i attach my RAD file.
Thank you.
There were a few odd things in the model, no parameters had been set on the contact apart from friction, I set gap, stiffness etc, and also made it a self contact
You had rotational SPC constraints on all tray nodes, not sure why, but I deleted them
I also moved your tray a lot closer so you don't waste time modelling free flight.
You didn't send your engine, so I added my own
My Model Attached