Warning 38142

I got the warning 38142: Expecting a frequency in the specified range for the shield measurement data. Revert to using parameters at the lowest/highest frequency. In the .out file i find nothing like a hint or something else, which let me understand the problem ot the warning. I would like to ask what that should be or where the problem is?
Thanks in advance.
Look for the warning in the .out file. Just above the warning, the frequency range for the selected predefined coaxial cable should be displayed. As I understand it, the warning tells you that the simulation frequency is outside the frequency range where the predefined coaxial cable is defined and the cable parameters as defined at the closest frequency to the simulation frequency is used.
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Hello @MvdM
thanks for your answer. I see the details which you mean now. There is written: Cabletyp. RG58 C/U: 50 Ohm coax., single shield,diel. PE
1e+4 <= f <= 5E+8
So i understand what you mean, because it is out of range with 2,5khz.
My idea was to measure the magnetic field of a standard coaxial cable (RG58) with a VOLTCRAFT GM-100 and then to compare it with a simulation in FEKO.
The measurement range of frequency of this product is 40hz untill 10khz.
What options do I have to realize something like this?
I would be happy about every suggestion.
Thanks in advance.
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Why not run the simulation at 10 kHz?
As the out file states, the frequency supported starts from 1e4 Hz (10 kHz), and your measurement device can measure up to 10 kHz.
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I thank you for your answers, but I planned to simulate exactly the same frequency range to see the deviation and to refine the result in its settings. Now i will try other cables.