Contactsurfs and interfaces

Kacper Woźniak
Kacper Woźniak Altair Community Member
edited March 2021 in Community Q&A


I need help with my project of Master Thesis. I would like to make an optimization of drill body. I created volume tetra mesh in three components and defined contact surfs and interfaces between two components (which I presented in photo). The problem is I receive errors:

" *** ERROR 14: Missing element # 8172 referenced by SURF # 2.
*** ERROR 14: Missing element # 8173 referenced by SURF # 2.
*** Errors with missing, incorrect or duplicate IDs found 1006 times."

When I defined contact surfs and interfaces for simple cubic solids I receive good results, what suggest that I have created correct contact surfs.

Maybe with complex parts like that there are different steps to create contactsurfs or I should create different mesh?

Thanks very much for your help,




1.PNG 33.7K


  • Viraj_Kulkarni
    Altair Employee
    edited February 2021

    Have you deleted any elements later after defining contact surfs.

    Also have you used AutoContacts ?You wont have to spend time creating contacts and groups, it will do the things for you. You can review to verify.


    To do that:

    Go to tools-Contact browser-right click in browser and select auto contacts.

  • Kacper Woźniak
    Kacper Woźniak Altair Community Member
    edited March 2021

    Thank you for your response.

    I created AutoContacts and receive next error, which I included in the photos. Could you help with that message?




    References for SET 1:



