Thermal analysis & axial and radial forces of rotor

Jawhar Ben Fredj_20487
Jawhar Ben Fredj_20487 New Altair Community Member
edited May 2021 in Community Q&A

Hi , 

I'm doing transient thermal simulations on FLUX , i started to change the stranded coils with solid conductors but when i compared the results to be sur of my modifications i did not find the same torque .

I want to understand the difference between stranded coil with solid conductor , and how flux manage the diffrence . i noticed that for stranded coil we insert the resistance , the number of turns.. but it's different with solid conductors , in this case how flux calculate the resistance and the number of turns . if i assign for example several surfaces to a single region and then to single solid conductor and i pass the current to this conductor , how the current goes on this several surfaces , ( in parallel )  .


i have another question how can i calculate axial and radial forces of the rotor 






  • Farid zidat_20516
    Farid zidat_20516
    Altair Employee
    edited May 2021

    Hello Jawhar;


    If you want to replace the coil conductor region by solid conductor region, you have to display each wire and have a corresponding solid conductor on the circuit side, in addition to that, you have to provide end winding resistance as well as the end winding inductance in series with these solid conductore of a given phase. You can not simply replace the coil conductor region by solid conductor one, as you mentionned, all the turns of the coil have to be displayed in this case.


    For the question related to the forces, what do you mean by axial and radial, may be you want to have normal and radial component of the magnetic forces, right? 

    If it is on the whole rotor, you can create a sensor and compute the magnetic foces (Fx, Fy, Fz), but it makes sens only if you have excentricities. Can you tell us for which analysis you want this forces, is it for NVH analysis?


    P.S: Please note that you have access to the local French support in case you want to share your Flux project.



  • Jawhar Ben Fredj_20487
    Jawhar Ben Fredj_20487 New Altair Community Member
    edited May 2021

    thanks Farid for your reply .

    it's clear for the first answer but how can i do to asign 100 wires for Example !

    about the forces i mean the magnetic forces of the whole rotor (Fx, Fy, Fz) , i should make an excentricities ?  


  • Farid zidat_20516
    Farid zidat_20516
    Altair Employee
    edited May 2021

    You are welcome!


    You can try to use the macro "CreateMotorWindingWithSolidConductor" you can find a document explaining how to use it from the help.


    For the forces, if there is no default, the forces are balanced (and FZ = 0 in 2D). But if there is a default like an excentricity, yes that make sense.

