Enhancement request - Add connectors/joints etc to loadcases
Request to make connectors and joints loadcase specific. That way you could turn on or off connectors and joints for specific loadcases. This is important for running an optimization as all loadcases need to be considered at the same time but connectors and joints are either on or off for all loadcases. Maybe this could be expanded for other connections/features like contacts, masses, bodies etc.
I understand that defining the model in Inspire motion you can export all the loadcases as forces and supports for various model setups but enabling the above would give greater freedom to setup loadcases.
Hi Clayton,
That sounds like a good enhancement I will file a request to the development team. Grounded constraints are considered loads in Optistruct which is why they are controlled via loadcases within Inspire. If you have access to Optistruct you can use Multi-model optimization on models sharing a design space .
In your case you could create multiple Inspire optimization models for each set of internal connections. Export those models and use MMO with Optistruct.
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Here's a quick video example:
- Exporting two fem optimization models from Inspire one with a joint deactivated
- Using Optistruct MMO to optimize a linked/common design space/variable.