Hi all,
I'm really stuck in this tool - point cloud, I don't really know how to use it. And I'm not sure about the main advantages of this tool. Can anyone teach me how to use it like this attched video?
Hi Nancy,
Try this simple procedure:
1) make an implicit primitive, a cube 100x100x10 mm
2) create a Points Cloud by hand with only 2 points, in two corners. The green plus will let you create them. Give 3mm to the value of one point and 20 mm to the other. Values here are in meters all the time so 3 will become 0.003 meters and 20 will become 0.020 meters.
3) apply a Planar lattice to the cube. Set thickness to 1 mm and for the width click on the field icon at the left of the Width value and from the dropdown menu instead of None, pick the last option (should be PointCloud 1 or similar). This is what you will get:
Now that you are able to do this you can add as many points as you want, give any value you want etc.
Here you find some more about how to create and manipulate Points Cloud:
Hi Nancy, Try this simple procedure: 1) make an implicit primitive, a cube 100x100x10 mm 2) create a Points Cloud by hand with only 2 points, in two corners. The green plus will let you create them. Give 3mm to the value of one point and 20 mm to the other. Values here are in meters all the time so 3 will become 0.003 meters and 20 will become 0.020 meters. 3) apply a Planar lattice to the cube. Set thickness to 1 mm and for the width click on the field icon at the left of the Width value and from the dropdown menu instead of None, pick the last option (should be PointCloud 1 or similar). This is what you will get: Now that you are able to do this you can add as many points as you want, give any value you want etc. Regards,Antonio
I really appreciate you. Thank you so much! Have a good day!
Hi Antonio,
Could you explain for me what is the value of the point?
I have a another question about Smooth tool in Implicit Modeling, can you help me?
I don't really understand about these parameters, and don't know how to choose the appreciate parameters for smoothing.
Thanks for your time. Hope to see your answer soon.
Hi Antonio, Could you explain for me what is the value of the point?
This approach allows you to make parameter changes in different areas of the modelinstead of being limited to have the same value everywhere.This can be applied to any parameter that has the field button so in case of needyou can use this and you can even have multiple parameters driven by different points cloud.Of course this make sense only if you need that.If one fixed parameter does the work you need you can just forget about what I explained.Regards,Antonio
Hi Antonio, I have a another question about Smooth tool in Implicit Modeling, can you help me? I don't really understand about these parameters, and don't know how to choose the appreciate parameters for smoothing. Thanks for your time. Hope to see your answer soon.
When you are using a tool and its panel is displayed with all parameters,you can press F1 key on the keyboard and it will take you straight into the specificpage of the documentation where that tool is explained in details.I did this for the Smooth tool and here is the page it links to:https://2023.help.altair.com/2023/inspire/en_us/topics/implicit/smooth_t.htmThere you find detailed explanation of each parameter.Regards,Antonio