Transient Analysis

Martina Blazheska
Altair Community Member
I am looking to perform a linear transient analysis, but I cannot figure out how to define the time-dependent load.
Many sources online refer to TLOAD load collector, however, I am unable to find this option in HyperWorks 2022.
Is there an equivalent to this, or perhaps another method for setting up a transient analysis?
Any hint would be much appreciated.
in newer versions the TLOAD was moved as 'LoadStep Input' group.
But if you just hit Ctrl+F and type 'TLOAD1', and hit 'Enter', it will be created in your model.
Or much better, once you have created your LoadStep, go to the DLOAD filed, and right-click and select 'Create/Edit'. It will create a new card for the TLOAD.