A problem with FEKO version

Husam Altair Community Member
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

I have a model which was created using FEKO version 2017.2 but I am running an older version 2017.1. I encountered an error every time I was trying to open the CADFEKO file or trying to import the mesh due to the incompatibility of the FEKO version. Is there a way to fix this rather than upgrading the current version?





  • Mel
    Altair Employee
    edited February 2019

    Hi Husam

    What you are referring to is 'forwards compatibility' which of course is not supported.

    Old models will of course always open in newer versions (backwards compatibility).


    The only thing I can suggest is to import the *.fek file mesh into CADFEKO. But then you will have to reset the ports and quite likely any face settings that were e.g. dielectric or set to another method such as physical optics.