User input to Batchmesh criteria and parameter file using TCL/TK

Below is the code to take input from user and store to variable $input
I want to run batchmesh script using this mesh size from user input.
Thank You for any help in this regard
set input [hwtk::inputdialog -text 'Enter Average Mesh Size' -inputtype str \
-x [winfo rootx .] -y [winfo rooty .]]
Also, Can we modify above code to ensure that user inputs only numbers and not text.
Thank You !
Do you know something about Tcl programming?
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@Q.Nguyen-Dai Yes, Basic programming.
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There're a lot of free Doc/Tuto of Tcl/Tk programming on Internet.
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With Due respect, Thank you for telling me that there is enough on internet.
It will be very helpful if you guide me regarding my question context.
If you know, maybe providing a sample code or reference file.0 -
To ensure input is numeric, provide -inputtype as real
To run batch with that mesh size, make a criteria file based on the mesh size, it's a text file. If you dont know how to make, use criteria editor to generate multiple files save them as 5mm.criteria, 6mm.criteria , ...
You need parameter files also.
Once you have files Xmm.criteria and files Xmm.param , run batch by
*createmark surfs 1 all
*hm_batchmesh 1 &{input}mm.criteria &{input}mm.param
Can you do it?
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Hello Tinh,
Thanks a lott for your help with inputtype.
I am able to create different criteria and parameter files, as well as I know the commands to run batchmesh.
My query is, suppose I have created three files with 5mm, 6mm, 10mm.
When I run a tcl script, a pop-up should come up (3 buttons) asking user which mesh size to be used(5/6/10mm) as per the user input respective files will be called, and the pop up window will dismiss.
I am taking help of 'Dialog' code from hwtk studio, but not helping perfectly.
Can you help with for this code ?
Thanks in advance!
Pritish0 -
Why don't tell about it first?
It is a basic tk proc:
tk_dialog .dialog Hypermesh 'Select criteria:' '' 0 5mm 6mm 10mm Cancel
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Hi Pritish,
please try this
/emoticons/default_smile.png' srcset='/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x' title=':)' width='20' />:
set user_input [tk_dialog .dialog Hypermesh 'Select criteria:' '' 0 5mm 6mm 10mm Cancel]
if {$user_input == 0}\
# this is for 5mm
# please give full path of criteria and param file
set criteria_file 5mm.criteria
set param_file 5mm.param} elseif {$user_input == 1}\
## this is for 6mm
set criteria_file 6mm.criteria
set param_file 6mm.param} elseif {$user_input == 2}\
## this is for 10mm
set criteria_file 10mm.criteria
set param_file 10mm.param}
if {[info exist criteria_file] & [info exist param_file] } \
if {[file exist $criteria_file] & [file exist $param_file] }\
*createmark surfs 1 all*hm_batchmesh 1 &criteria_file ¶m_file;
} else \
tk_messageBox -message 'File dosnt exist';
}0 -
Thank You so much both of you, @tinh and @Pandurang
It's working perfectly!0