Need to find several parameter values

I've run a simulation of bending of a flexible fiber comprised with spheres bonded together with "Bonding V2" physics model.
Firstly, when particles hit each other (not bending, just say two spheres hit each other), all the calculations are from Hertz-Mindlin model (no slip). How to find the values of normal overlap , spring and damping constants from that?
But in case of bending, when force is applied on the fiber, it bends and if I'm not wrong, the base Hertz-Mindlin model deactivates and the the interaction between indentor (a steel box that apply force on the fiber) and fiber (sphere) is "Bonding V2" according to given input parameters (normal/shear stiffness per unit area, bonded disc scale etc.).
My question is , now how to find the value of the glue radius . Because I need to find the value of normal/tangential stiffness when bending starts. As our input parameter is "normal/shear stiffness per unit area", I just need to multiply it with the area, A correct?
Hi Shajid.
When using the bonding model in addition to a base model both are always active. The bondv2 model adds the additional forces to the Hertz-Mindlin model but both are always active, however the Hertz model will only apply forces when the physical radii overlap but the bond model will apply forces up to the point at which the contact radii overlap.
The model is detailed in the e-learning which should help with the definition - EDEM Physics Models e-learning