Coil Efficiency

jerometeoh Altair Community Member
edited December 2022 in Community Q&A

Good morning,


I have a question about how to calculating the efficiency of coil in 2D and 3D model in Altair flux?


I think we should start with using the 'compute on physics entity' function to do it but what to use?

Active power? or Joule losses? Is that matter for coil and substrate region?


Also, for total power of the multiple-turn coil: Total power = total sum of power from all the regions?

Should I account the negative and positive sign cancel out each other?







Best Answer

  • asoualmi
    Altair Employee
    edited December 2022 Answer ✓


    To compute the efficiency on the coil you need to use Joule losses. In Flux to compute the active power the formula used is Active_power= V*I, for the Joule losses the formula uses is Joule_Losses= R*I*I (in this case you take the total current in the coil).

    Best regards.


  • asoualmi
    Altair Employee
    edited December 2022 Answer ✓


    To compute the efficiency on the coil you need to use Joule losses. In Flux to compute the active power the formula used is Active_power= V*I, for the Joule losses the formula uses is Joule_Losses= R*I*I (in this case you take the total current in the coil).

    Best regards.

  • jerometeoh
    jerometeoh Altair Community Member
    edited September 2020


    Thank you!

  • asoualmi
    Altair Employee
    edited September 2020

    You are welcome.