Problem error code 5 - Simulation Hyperstudy with Ansys

Franck MASSA
Franck MASSA Altair Community Member
edited July 2023 in Community Q&A


I use Ansys 2022R2 and Hyperstudy 2022.2. I would like to perform a parametric optimization with Ansys solver.

After testing my model, I have the following message : 

[proxy:0:0@PC] HYD_spawn (..\windows\src\hydra_spawn.c:282): unable to create process "C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v222\ANSYS\bin\winx64\ANSYS.EXE" -b -i model_analytique.lgw -o model_analytique.out (error code 5)
[proxy:0:0@PC] launch_processes (proxy.c:596): error creating process (error code 5). Accès refusé.

This problem does not appear with the Ansys version 2022R1. 

Unfortunately, I must use the 2022R2 or 2023R1 version of Ansys ?

How can we solve this problem ? 

Thank you in advance

Best regards


  • PaolaAG
    Altair Employee
    edited May 2023

    Hello Mr. Massa,

    The access denied typically indicates that you don't have the necessary permissions to execute the command or access the required files.

    Can you try running the Ansys command that failed outside of Hyperstudy to see if it functions correctly?

    Can you also verify that you are running as administrator?

    Also, verify that you have access to the ANSYS installation directory, the working directory where the model and input files are located, and the output directory where the results will be saved.

    Lastly, I was wondering if the anti-virus program on your machine can be causing this behavior. Can you please try disable it temporarily? Maybe it is causing interference with the Ansys solver.

    Let me know if this is helpful.

    Kind Regards,

    Paola Alvarez.

  • SurajH_22333
    SurajH_22333 Altair Community Member
    edited June 2023

    Team, I am also facing similar issue. I have all the permission and confirmed with our IT department. 

    I have talked this issue also with Ansys support. They suggest the correct command should be using ANSYS222.exe instead of ANSYS.EXE. (this for the above command mentioned in support case description)





  • Franck MASSA
    Franck MASSA Altair Community Member
    edited June 2023

    Thank you for your helps.

    I have all the permissions on my computer. The problem is the same with administrator mode. Moreover, I tried to stop the anti-virus program. 

    Howeover, the same calculation works well by using a DOS command with Matlab.

    path='C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v222\ansys\bin\winx64\ansys222.exe';

    launch_soft=['"',path,'" -b -j ',jobname,' -i "',directory,'\',file_in,'" -o "',directory,'\',file_out,'"'];
    [status, result]=dos(launch_soft); 

    I have currently no solution with Hyperstudy as soon as I use 2022R2 or 2023R1 version of Ansys.

    best regards 

  • Diana_38240
    Altair Employee
    edited July 2023


    I post a note for everyone awareness.

    The issue has been solved by adding the solver input argument -smp
    This argument allows running Ansys without distrubted memory

    On another similar case, the solution to start HyperStudy from a command window has also helped.


    Best regards,